Unleash the Creative New You
According to Webster's Dictionary, the definition of creativity is artistic or intellectual inventiveness.
Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create or bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new.
When you create something, you are actually bringing it into being, making it from nothing. But how do you make something from nothing? How do you achieve creativity? What is the essence of creativity?
Perhaps only magic can explain creativity, that sudden 'aha!' moment when it all comes together. Some have said that it's something mysterious and puzzling, perhaps impossible to figure out.
Some have said it must be divine inspiration. Creativity is simply thinking the impossible, and then doing what no one else has done before, sometimes developing completely new worlds. If you've taken a new approach to a problem and it works, then you're using your creativity.
Creativity comes in many forms. It can be scientific creativity, resulting in inventions or medical cures. It can be artistic or musical, resulting in beautiful paintings, sculptures or operas and songs. It can be creative writing, resulting in novels, short stories and poems. Creativity can even be as simple as arts and crafts, such as needle arts, yarn crafts, and woodcrafts - things you create with your own two hands.
The important thing to remember is that creativity includes generating the idea or concept, as well as applying that idea and producing or manifesting the end product or result. Creativity or imagination is an integral part of being human and separates us from the animal world. Carl R. Rogers said, 'The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.'
How to develop your creative power
The definition of creativity is the way you want to perceive your life and the way you choose to obtain a goal that is fulfilling to you. The definition of power is energy, unlimited, growing, expansive, and exuberant.
The definition of creative power is the mixture of both. With creative power, you have a clearer vision of your goal in life and you are able to think of unlimited ways to achieve it.
Creative power is in all of us. The problem is that no one seems to notice its importance and so no one thinks of using it, except for a limited few. And it is these limited people who are enjoying a successful and fulfilling life. When you develop your creative power, you are not only opening massive opportunities for a fulfilling career but opportunities for a prosperous life as well.
It is essential to develop your creative power because it is one priceless resource that is buried deep in your subconscious. You need not worry about tapping into that power because they are available ways to do so. Do not be discouraged by myths that surround the idea of creative power. Many people think that it is an ability that is innate within man. Many people have the notion that only geniuses have this innate ability. They think that is the very reason why they have invented so much and paved a new way for us to live. But this is not true.
Since creative power is a resource hidden in people’s subconscious mind, there is a way to tap into it. When this power is tapped, it can be a faculty that has every potential to be developed.
You may ask that when you develop your creative power, what can it give you back in return? There are many benefits creative power can offer you depending on where you intend to fully put it to use. If you choose to use your creative power to have a prosperous life then that is exactly what creative power will give you. It will give you a clearer and more defined goal which is to be prosperous in life. Creative power will also help you think of every means possible to help you attain that goal.
Contrary to what an untapped mind can think of, you who have the creative power will not be limited to just a few ideas but to an unlimited world of ideas! This many choice in options helps you achieve your goal no matter what the circumstance.
Creative power is very much useful in business.
What can it offer your business? It gives you a renewed perspective on your venture. You are also given a boost to achieve the goal you have set for your company. When your creative powers are unlocked, you can also do the same for your employees. This gives you efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity.
Your company will grow to heights you’ve never imagined before! Do not limit yourself to the things you think you can only achieve. Develop your creative power to open your mind to possibilities you never knew you could do!